Monday, January 1, 2007

write, please

In New York:

IHP c/o IHouse

500 Riverside Drive

New York, New York

In Rio:

IHP c/o Claudia Macedo

Associacao Projeto Roda Viva

Rua Silvio Romero #57 Santa Teresa

Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20230-100 BRAZIL

In Curitiba:

IHP c/o Clovis Ultramari

Universidade Livre do Meio Ambiente

Rua Victor Benato, 210CEP 82120-110

Curitiba, Parana BRAZIL

In Cape Town:

IHP c/o Sally Frankental

Department of Social Anthropology

University of Cape Town

Rondebosch 7701 SOUTH AFRICA

the mission

what can a journey through the urban landscape of five distinct cities on four continents reveal about 21st century life? how do humans interact with their environment? what development trends cut across continents and cultures? how does urban planning (or lack thereof) affect one's wellbeing and lifestyle?

as a board of trustees fellow of the International Honors Program, i travel with 32 undergraduate students and 2 professors.

to find out how the journey unfolds, check back from time to time. something interesting's bound to happen.